
Ah, the humble pavlova. Whether you think its origins come from Australia or New Zealand (it’s Australia, by the way) there’s no denying it’s a staple come summertime. But if you’ve ever tried making one from scratch, you’d know firsthand just how much sugar is hiding inside.

That’s why we decided to Nexba-fy this classic recipe and make it totally sugar free! We’ve added powdered erythritol in place of sugar, which is made from fermenting the sweet, natural starches in fruits like pears and melons. You can usually find it in the baking aisle of your local supermarket and it’s the perfect natural sweetener to make your pav sing.

The best part? Nobody will know it’s sugar free! Let your friends and family wonder in amazement with this clever sugar-free alternative.

Image credit: Nexba

It’s hard to imagine a pavlova that’s not so bad for you, but somehow we found a way!

[difficulty] medium
[serving] 8
  • 2 egg whites
  • 4 ½ tbsp powdered erythritol (natural sweetener made from fermented fruits + available at all major supermarkets)
  • 1 cup Greek yoghurt, or coconut yoghurt
  • 1 punnet strawberries, sliced
  • 2 peaches sliced
  • 2 tbsp (30ml) Nexba Strawberry & Peach Kombucha
  • Mint, to garnish
[time] 90min
  1. Preheat the oven to 130ºC and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Beat the egg whites in a clean stainless steel bowl using electric beaters or a stand mixer.
  3. Beat until soft peaks form (about 3-4 minutes), then slowly pour in the erythritol a spoonful at a time, while the beater is still going.
  4. Spoon the mixture onto the lined tray in a circle shape. Smooth over any drips or peaks, but a little rough and rustic is what you want.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at this temperature. If it is browning too much, simply place a sheet of foil or baking paper gently over the top.
  6. Turn the oven to 100ºC and bake for another 60 minutes.
  7. After this, turn the oven off but leave the pavlova in the oven for at least an hour to dry out completely and return to room temperature.
  8. To make the topping, combine the strawberries, peaches and Nexba Strawberry & Peach Kombucha in a large bowl.
  9. Serve the pavlova with the yoghurt topping, fresh fruit and mint.
Nexba Strawberry & Peach KombuchaWe brew our kombucha for 40 days to really ramp up the flavour. Then we pair it with our Natural Sweetener Blend, natural strawberry and peach flavours and our smart and robust probiotics to create a gut-happy drink that's also delicious!
ErythritolWeird name, epic natural sweetener! Erythritol is made from the sweet, natural starches in fruits like pears and melons. It's a little less sweet than normal sugar, but it has a similar taste and texture. So it feels like sugar in your mouth and has no bitter aftertaste. Great!
StrawberriesThese heart shaped goodies protect your heart, lower your blood pressure, and guard against cancer. Packed with vitamins, fibre and particularly high levels of antioxidants. strawberries are a great sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, low-calorie fruit!
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